Effective Accident Claim

Effective Accident Claim

Connecticut motorists face unique dangers

Connecticut has actually seen an increase in roadway deaths in recent years.

Motor vehicle accidents take a stunning toll. Thousands are killed and thousands more suffer catastrophic injuries on American roads and highways every year. By the year 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projects that motor vehicle crashes will become the third largest global health threat. For Americans between the ages of 15 and 29, motor vehicle collisions are already the leading cause of death.

While road fatalities declined elsewhere, they have been on the rise in Connecticut

Connecticut motorists face some unique dangers compared to drivers in other states. While the number of motor vehicle fatalities in the United States has generally been on the decline, Connecticut bucked the trend in spectacular fashion back in 2010. While roadway deaths dropped by 2.9 percent overall in America that year – the fifth straight year of decline – 42 percent more people died on Connecticut roads in 2010 than in the previous year. This was by far the most dramatic year-to-year increase in road fatalities of any state.

While officials called the 2010 Connecticut fatal accident jump a statistical “blip,” Connecticut is one of only three states that saw an increase in roadway fatalities from 2000 to 2010. Over that time period, roadway deaths increased in Delaware by one percent, in Connecticut by six percent and in Hawaii by 15 percent; they decreased everywhere else. From 2000 to 2010, Connecticut averaged more than 300 highway deaths every year.

Connecticut roadways number among the most dangerous

Car crashes can happen for a variety of reasons, such as driver distraction, mechanical defects or drunk driving. One reason that often goes overlooked, however, and that may have something to do with Connecticut’s poor fatal accident record, is dangerous roadways.

One example of a dangerous Connecticut roadway is a particular eight mile stretch of I-95 near the city of Norwalk. Popular Mechanics has included this section of highway on its list of America’s 10 most dangerous roads, with a total of 10 percent of the car accidents that occur on I-95 in Connecticut taking place in this eight mile section alone. Approximately 735 car crashes occur in this stretch, compared to fewer than 600 for sections of the highway of similar length through Millford, New Haven, Greenwich and Stamford.

Contact a Connecticut car accident lawyer to get full compensation after a crash

If you were injured in a car crash in Connecticut, or if you suffered a tragedy and lost a family member, you may be entitled to compensation. Compensation may be available from other drivers whose negligence caused the crash, insurance companies, auto manufacturers or the entities responsible for designing and maintaining a dangerous stretch of road. To get the full, fair compensation you deserve from all available sources, it is important to retain an experienced lawyer. Get in touch with a car accident attorney today from the law firm of Miller, Rosnick, D’Amico, August & Butler, P.C., to explore the legal remedies that may be available to you.

Keywords: Connecticut, car accidents