Both motorcyclists and drivers are expected to share Bridgeport’s roads with each other. However, many of those who operate motorcycles may tell you that drivers often do not afford the same level of this courtesy to them as they do other cars. Indeed, if and when motorcycle accidents do happen, drivers may often attempt to place the blame on the motorcyclists for cutting in front of them or not indicating a turn. Sadly, the motorcyclists involved in these accidents are often not around to defend themselves. According to research data shared by the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to perish in collision than the passenger vehicle occupants involved.
Motorcyclists may help further ensure their own safety on the road as well as take away not signaling as an excuse for motorists to cite by learning the state-approved hand signals indicating turns. The proper use of such signals can be seen in the official Driver’s Manual released by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles. It describes the signals (and the actions they indicate) as follows:
- Left turn: Left palm forward, left arm extended completely outward.
- Right turn: Left palm forward, left arm extended out, bent upward at the elbow, forming a 90 degree angle.
- Slow down or stop: Left palm facing backwards, left arm extended downward at a 45 degree angle.
Using hand signals on the road is a practice that prudent motorcyclists may want to adopt, even those whose bikes have functioning turn signals. Doing so makes one’s intended actions more apparent to drivers, and also may be more easily recalled should one need to bring in witnesses to verify that such signals were used prior to a collision.