Effective Accident Claim

Effective Accident Claim

Hang glider pilot’s error leads to tourist’s injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2018 | Firm News, Personal Injury Claims |

When people in Connecticut attempt potentially dangerous recreational activities, such as hang gliding, they should reasonably expect the experts to take every precaution to keep them safe. However, a Florida man on vacation in Switzerland had to hold on for dear life and sustained multiple injuries when his hang glider pilot failed to properly secure his harness to the hang glider.

It was the tourist’s first hang gliding flight. His wife had taken a flight just prior to his with no untoward incident, and she was not aware that her husband had any issues until both had finished their flights.

Mere seconds after takeoff, however, the tourist’s hang glider pilot allegedly realized that he had forgotten to secure the tourist’s harness to the glider. Despite the pilot’s attempts at an emergency landing, the flight lasted two minutes and 14 seconds, hundreds of feet into the air, with the tourist in danger of falling the whole time. 

The tourist realized something was wrong almost immediately. He clung desperately to the glider and to his pilot as the glider continued to fly higher, with the pilot also holding onto the tourist’s hand as best he could. When he felt the glider was flying low enough, the tourist let go and hit the ground at an estimated speed of 45 miles per hour, receiving injuries to his wrist and biceps as a result. He required surgery to place a titanium plate and seven metal screws in his arm. 

The tourist reports that he felt bad for his hang glider pilot, and there is no indication that he intends to take any legal action. Nevertheless, he received injuries in an accident as a result of someone else’s alleged negligence, and people in a similar situation have the right to discuss the case with an attorney in the interest of seeking compensation.
