Paying for damages after a car accident is a daunting task. However, certain types of damages allow you to seek compensation. If you have suffered from an automobile accident, this article will give a brief overview of the economic and non-economic damages you may...
Effective Accident Claim
Year: 2021
You do not have long to pursue workers’ compensation benefits
If you suffer a catastrophic injury or develop a life-altering illness at work, your livelihood may be on the line. After all, not only are you likely to be physically unable to work, but you may also have mounting medical bills you know you cannot pay. Fortunately,...
The answers to these 3 workers’ comp questions may surprise you
If you work in the construction industry, your job duties may require you to be in dangerous situations. Even if you follow safety protocols and wear protective gear, you may eventually suffer a serious injury or develop a life-altering illness at work. Fortunately,...
Is Connecticut a no-fault or an at-fault insurance state?
A car accident can impact your health and finances. To protect yourself and other drivers, you must insure your vehicle. According to the Connecticut Office of Legislative research, Connecticut is an at-fault state for automobile insurance. This means that after a car...
3 unexpected ways a car accident can impact your income
A car crash never comes at a convenient time. The impact on your finances may prove significant, especially if you sustain an injury. While you may contemplate some of the expenses a car accident may generate, you may have to thought of everything. Discover three ways...
How long does a car accident case take?
Car accidents are a leading cause of both injury and death in the U.S. According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, more than 38,000 individuals die in car accidents in the U.S. every year. Another 4.4 million Americans suffer injuries serious...
A motorist may collect when partially at fault for an accident
Connecticut follows the modified comparative negligence rule, which allows individuals who have contributed to a vehicle accident to collect damages. Some injured motorists mistakenly believe that contributing to an accident means they do not have a legal right to...