- Family of teen killed by state trooper seeks $10 million
- Bandmates file suit in horrific crash
- Stamford’s Sterling Farms Sued By Two Golfers
- Many Americans continue to use electronic devices
- Slips, trips and falls: What to do following a Connecticut injury
- Connecticut focusing efforts on stopping teen texting-while-driving
- Herniated disc injuries one risk after car accidents
- Recent research could lead to new treatments for spinal cord injuries
- Memorial Day crash total up for Connecticut in 2014, raising injury risk
- Summertime brings higher risk of bicycle accident injuries
- Connecticut motorists face unique dangers
- Connecticut motor vehicle accidents involving recreational watercraft
- Study: Even hands-free apps and in-car systems cause distracted driving
- Study: Insomnia may play a large role in car accident fatalities
- Fairfield County second in most pedestrian deaths in state
- NHTSA turns to technology to reduce truck and bus rollover accidents
- Traffic fatalities soar 45 percent in Connecticut in 2016